Unable to mail or Stuck

I cant mail any item in game to my toons in Realm A (for example) , but when i try to another realm i can mail it, thats weird

Click Send/Receive > Work Offline.
The Work Offline button in Outlook 2013
In the Navigation Pane, click Outbox.
From here, you can:
Delete the message. Just select it and press Delete.
Drag the message to your drafts folder, double-click to open the message, delete the attachment (click it and press Delete).
If an error tells you Outlook is trying to transmit the message, close Outlook. It may take a few moments to exit.
After Outlook closes, start it again and repeat steps 2-3.
After you remove the attachment, click Send/Receive > Work Offline to deselect the button and resume working online.

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