Unable to login to games

So not only is my friends list gone… I can’t log into any games… WOW, SC2, OW2, Diablo 4, haven’t tried 3…

No error message… Just kicks me back to asking for email, phone and password… When I put them, my authenticator goes off, I hit approve then a few seconds later I am back to enter my email, phone and password screen… No error message…

Do you all test stuff before you release it???


at least your authenticator goes off… its radio silence here no notifications no anything and of course no ability to log into a game…

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So per there little red warning message in the PC client, it said to try logging into game while in offline mode on the client…

It asks for authenticator number, but when you click the app in your phone, it direct you to the new Bnet client for your phone… Which of course won’t load and isn’t providing any numbers…

Holy lack of testing Blizz??? WTF is going on over there???

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lol exactly… on twitter customer support is telling people to try logging in to the games directly, like you know we need the authenticator for that, so that is obviously a hilarious section of replies. Like ya know you said have you tried logging in as the answer to a tweet that said I still can’t log in :rofl:

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