Twitter blocking viewing @BlizzardCS without account

Not sure if it’s the right forum to put that but Twitter is now blocking viewing @BlizzardCS (and plenty of other feeds) for folks that don’t have a twitter account.
It might be time to think about a different platform to announce issues and emergency events. Not everybody has a twitter account or is ok creating one.
The Battlenet app and support sites aren’t updated as fast as the twitter account so without public access to the twitter feed, we’re left without information.


Sorry to bring this up again, but with months passed and still with the same issue.
What’s happening with the company that they won’t even acknowledge the fact that this can be an issue to the vast majority of players across their games, and that even before there still wasn’t that much with a Twitter account and still could follow the ‘news’.

They need to urgently address this as it’s one of their main channels to the community. Recently they’re having Bnet issues a lot (Authentication?) and the ‘old free’ post we can see is from 2022, like WTH?

This is a result of changes made by Twitter. In fact there’s been several undesirable changes that have been made over the last couple years. We have Elon Musk to thank for all of that.

On a side note, as for:

You posted in a feedback forum for the support website. Which means it’s for the website exclusively and it’s not meant for 2-way communication with Bliz.

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Anything about them doing anything about the issue in the post?
It’s a forum about an important thing, since we can’t even be in direct contact thru that site, not unless we make an account for it.

It would be understandable to create for that but would teach that man a thing about community haha, and I think Blizzard loses more, by keeping it there, or at least not giving the community alternatives (don’t know if there are).