Ticket response time

@Rhaego - Hi:

Your brother could create a new account and use it to contact Support. He should refer to the original ticket number(s) so that the GM who replies to it will have all the info.

Good luck !!


I wrote a ticket and referred it already. Our friend also has written ticket and we are waiting for an answer. I doubt making a new account and ticket for the same thing would be helpful.

Just hope someone at Blizzard sees this.

I mean its not some bugged quest ffs, how is this possible that you have to wait for such an important issue? What if he had wallet money, or he hadnt taken the account back from the hacker?

Personally, i would be worried sick if my chatacters which i spend years or months in them, are not deleted. 8000 gold in wotlk is not that big of a deal. And the account is from more than 10 years, it has a sentimental value.

Youā€™ll see ā€“ when I tried to help players by contacting Blizzard Support for them, I was always met with a reply that the affected player must be the one contacting themā€¦ which I thought was kind of silly ā€“ the reason I was contacting them was that the affected player couldnā€™tā€¦ that was a while ago (a year, perhaps more)ā€¦ perhaps things have changed.

There are a lot of tickets in the systemā€¦ so many that, a few weeks ago, the typical response time on a ā€œhacked accountā€ ticket was 2 or 3 weeks !!! Blizzard has been working to reduce that timeā€¦ but they arenā€™t there yet. They prioritize some categories of tickets (such as hacked account) but there are so many tickets in the systemā€¦ there is only so much that they can do.

There were cases where hacked account did contain money or credit card detailsā€¦ Blizzard can probably refund in-game money if they can prove to themselves how much was stolen. For credit or bank cards, I always suggested to the player to contact his/her financial institution to have the card cancelledā€¦ and to ask about steps for protecting oneā€™s personal (private life) data.

Blizzard wonā€™t (or perhaps cannot) act on an account issue from a forum post ā€“ that much is obvious to meā€¦ they need to ensure that they are interacting with the legal account ownerā€¦ and thatā€™s impossible to do on a public forum. Imagine having to post a scanned copy of your driverā€™s license or passport on this forum !!!

This forum here (ā€œSupport Site Feedbackā€) is to provide feedback to Blizzard on the support site (KnowledgeBase articles, Blizzard contact menus, etcā€¦) ā€“ not to ask for action. If you look closely at the list of topics here, you wonā€™t find one with a blue Blizzard logo in the left column.

Best of luck with all this.

Thank you. I know they wont see it here. I am hoping they will see the ticket and act on it adequately and not to waste time.

Its good that the hacker doesnt have the account, but it is worth nothing to him already anyway.

There is a credit card attached there but it is not touched. My brother checked his bank account.

At this point the goal is the account to be unbanned and to have a normal communication about restoring the lost gold and items. Even if thats not possible, its not that big of a deal. He can make this gold in 1 month regular play, its not a dealbreaker.

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Blizzard will only deal with the registered account holder, with the exception of death. That requires legal documentation though.

A person can open a free Battlenet account in their own name and use that to submit tickets about their main account. They just have to be careful to properly reference the impacted account (email) or Char-server so that they donā€™t confuzzle a GM.


They can not. They require it be done in private via tickets. They canā€™t get the private information to prove the person contacting them is the account holder via the forums.

The first thing that happens is the account getting the password/email and anything else fixed to return it to the registered account holder. Then Blizzard fixes the things a hacker did. Last, once a person gets the account back they may have to appeal the ban on it, if a hacker got it banned. It takes a while, but Blizzard can usually fix it all.

When the account is returned, be sure to put an Authenticator on it!

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Blizzard contacted me. They told me that my brother has to send an anonymous ticket without logging in. He did that and now we are waiting for them to contact him in person. We are generally positive that things would happen just it takes time apparently.

Really hope we can play together for the holidays when we both have time but it is what it is. He made a super rookie mistake but he has never been hacked before. First time for everything it seems.

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That is another way to put in a ticket, the drawback to that is that he canā€™t track his ticket, or edit his ticket to add more info. Hopefully they get to him soon. It does take a while, unfortunately.

I am glad he knows how he got compromised so that will hopefully prevent it from happening again!

I use an email for my Battlenet that I donā€™t use for anything else, so if some other website gets compromised people donā€™t get that email. I also have secondary authentication set up on it to keep people out. Of course, my Bnet also has an Authenticator on it and SMS text set up.

I spent far too much time and money over the past 18 years to have some slime ball thief take my account!

Hope they can get back to him soon!


Thats me, Rhaego is my brother. I just wanna thank the GMs for saving and restoring everything in my account. I dont know if they read this, but nonetheless thank you again. Its 10+ years of memories saved. :slight_smile:


I will forward this to the CS forum team at least. They can pass it on to the GMs.

Glad to hear everything got fixed!

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