This Needs To Stop

This is my first time writing something on the forums and I could only ask, what is happening to blizzard? Most notably what I find concerning and disappointment from is this brand new state of the art technology QUEUES, I have understood this was a big thing that SEEMED to only happen at the beginning of a new WOW expansion but has grown to what seems like every Ip blizzard owns. Like a queue for OVERWATCH 2 a fps shooter WHAT?!?!? are we running off technology made from 2008 because if we aren’t it sure seems like it. (Insert blizzard defender here).

But this would not have bothered me too much, I would not be bothered by this QUEUE system but something worse happened to the poor system, EXCUSES, the lies that we are being told, false information given to people who have no idea what’s going on (which makes it impossible to win an argument with anybody if everybody was taught something that was false), etc.

But to top this off, the number one killer of not only Blizzard but all these companies is GREED. Since when, WHEN did everything start to have a number, free to play games, Incomplete game just buy the expansion, in game services, but when, when was there such EMPHASIS on storage and memory space.

Storge and Memory space Don’t get me wrong it has always been there and always cost money, but I guess it was just a matter of time before the GREED hit it and it is obvious blizzard, twitch, GOOGLE, and possibly others I don’t know is now using this excuse " UHH well, like it cost LOTS of money to MAINTAIN these websites/games/ services, so yea we are just going to up the prices of something that was not a problem before and give out less" examples being twitch 50/50 cut. its like how over the years the price of a burger went up and the size of it went down only difference being I can see why that happen but storage/ memory, no way man.

But THESE RIDICULAUS QUEUE TIME, 10 hours… 10 HOURS to play something I pay a monthly service for, AND NO, MIGHTY BLIZZARD DEFENDERS, I don’t want to play on a dead server I want to play on a server where I know finding a group is 5 minutes and where the auction house actually has things in it ESPECIALLY IF I PAID TO PLAY THE GAME TO BEGIN WITH. I paid to play world of warcraft not QUEUE SIMULATOR. BLIZZARD, you see the cord that connects to the dead servers connect that to the big servers pls. Oh yea pls give some of that storage to Overwatch 2 while you’re at it.

I’m tired of it, I really am it’s not just Blizzard it’s the whole internet, in my eyes it was a place meant to just sit down and enjoy immersing yourself, away from reality but every year that dream gets crushed where reality keeps seeping into the internet. The VERY place I WENT to get away from REALITY now seems like I never left at all. So thank you owners of technology, thank you for getting rid of the one of few things I enjoyed. Because in the end of the day I know you will get away with it and I will be nothing more than that guy with the post.