If one has purchased an earlier released version of The War Within, will the cost of that be applied to the 20 year anniversary edition
Hi there! You won’t get it credited forward towards the CE, but you won’t be out the money. Blizzard is usually pretty good about crediting accounts for purchases of the digital edition, prior to receipt of the Physical Collector’s edition and key.
The News article on the CE contains a paragraph about that.
Already pre-purchased an edition of The War Within? No problem! These three new commemorative collectibles can still be added to your trove. When you purchase the World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition, you’ll receive a Battle.net® balance reimbursement for your previous purchase to use in-game or on Battle.net.
In the past the Balance credit was delivered after you claimed your CE key, and you had to claim the CE key within a set number of months. I don’t know if they are doing that this time, or if you get instant Bnet balance credit when you pre-order the CE.