Temporary Silence from CHAT?

So, banning people from speaking is simply: whatever… but a full week of silence without any warning, or even a short-starter first-time-punishment: “Nice, awesome, very kind of you.”

Preventing people from partying/grouping, or queuing for dungeons though? lol I can’t with these people…Where do you guys get off?
Can’t even post on these forums, which makes zero-sense, IMO, since the post could simply be made when the ban ends. Or like Facebook banning me over conspiracy theory posts, telling me I’m ineligible to use their free website, when all I’d have to do is simply make a new account. Banned speech takes it so much further when the group finder is also severed from the gameplay. Speaking doesn’t have to be done/allowed to be able to complete a dungeon and the related quests. At least allow responding to whispers so people don’t think you’re insufferable; though if they can come to the conclusion that you’re squelched then they’ll assume you’re a douche regardless… whether they are right are wrong isn’t relevant since people play as/with them daily. But whatever, is Blizzard smart enough to solve simple problems, or do they truly love making things difficult for as many people as they can?

Another topic only related in a ban-sense than in any other way: If Blizzard gets spam reported from bots, do they take action against who the bots are reporting? Or do they investigate the reports enough to realize the pattern and punish the obvious bots?

I just want to do RFC… wtf

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If you’re talking about WoW, it has a separate forum.