Tanks wont unlock

ive been trying to unlock the other tanks in ow for awhile it seems like and when i get a win as a tank it doesnt count it or for other tanks i unlock dps toons just fine but the tanks stay locked can anyone plz help i tried support but was useless

I also had this problem, a week passed and still no answer then customer service is awful.

yeah tbh ima just unistall i just the new player expirience is sooooo bad just the sheer amount of stuff they force you through before you can even actually play the game mode people actually play. and then to lock certain toons behind a broken system i havent played for more that a week or so an im already starting to see why most of the reviews are negative there score on steam is so bad lol


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Good luck with this.

If it’s a bug, there’s nothing that Customer Support can do – you need to get a hold of the developpers. That means using the Bug Report category.