Thanks for adding the tall pixels mode! It’s great to see Blizzard is listening.
Some feedback for hopefully some more quick improvements here: With this setting on, the old art assets (units, portraits, terrain, etc) are now in the correct aspect ratio, BUT all of the new UI elements (specifically, the text and mouse cursor) is now stretched too tall!
The old text was very squashed vertically so that when stretched 20% taller, it would look normal. The new text is normal and now being stretched 20% too tall. Could you find a way to draw the new text and cursor after applying the scaling effect so it looks normal?
Also, I found the name of this setting (“Render using non-square pixels”) confusing and potentially offputting for anyone who hasn’t been following this topic. It does not convey that this is in fact the intended display mode. Ideally this would be on by default and/or called something like “Original aspect ratio”.)