Stuck on Checking Versions

Yes – I was afraid that this would be the case.

The current Game Masters in Customer Support have changed, it seems… the “old” crew would never send you back to the forums. The current crew appears to be inexperienced and untrained… whenever they get a new situation, instead of researching it, they simply send you back to the forums. As if players on the forums are supposed to know :slight_smile:

We used to have Forum Support Agents that came by whenever they had the time and they did provide that type of info – that was before Microsoft bought Blizzard. But there are none left now… reassigned perhaps, or worse.

There is a Blizzard staff that comes around… whenever he has time, I suppose. The last time was this morning around 10:30 AM EDT. Marked one of my post as a solution, locked the topic and unlisted it from the list of topics.

I suppose you could reply to the ticket (or create a new one if it’s already closed) and ask again… but I don’t know whether that would get you an answer.

Sad times ahead :frowning: