Stuck at 0B/s download

Hello! I have been trying to download Call Of Duty MW3 for the past 3 days now, yet im completely stuck at 0B/s… I have 70 download speed which is 8.75MB/s yet after reinstalling Battle.Net, resetting WiFi router, resetting PCs network settings and being connected VIA Ethernet, I still get stuck at 0B/s. Ive also tried too limit and un limit my downloads still with no success and I cant lie, its starting to frustrate me. I want to play the game that I paid for

Hi, same problem here with Diablo 4, after trying to uninstall the launcher to solve the problem, and now I can’t re install the launcher

Mine is stuck at around 40 BYTES and 20 Kilobytes.

I’ve deleted the bnet cache/folder and a whole bunch of other stuff. No change. Everything else is fine and 200mbps speed otherwise. Just bnet is garbage clown program.

Hello. I have the same pb. I’m trying to update COD for the past 2 weeks. I come i hit enter i leave it over night and then in the morning i"m at 2 3%…Ive reset my router Ive used a cable connection and still the same. I have a 100 md internet and is ok at everything else that Ive downloaded. Its frustrating. I want to be able to enjoy the game because that’s why i bought it. Any idea on how to solve this? I even tried to contact support but is a pain in the back to sent a thicket to them :?( PLEASE HELP…thx

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