I got a prompt for this the other day and it surprised me because I fairly regularly swap between show online/offline depending on what time of day I am playing.
It only prompted me once and I haven’t seen it since.
Yeah it’s super annoying. Blizzard keeps trying to fix stuff that isn’t broken. Must have too many employees - cut the bloat, and focus on the games, Blizz!
Still an issue. Still an option I would prefer. Stop asking me now every 14 days if I want to remain offline or not. I want to remain offline forever until I choose not to. Not when I give in to your pop-ups begging me to go back online. They won’t wear me down, I won’t give in. Just, stop asking.
In some of the game titles, the Bnet client cannot be in offline mode to perform some of the functions. Such is the case for Diablo 3: If you want to join a group, no one can invite you while your client is in offline mode. Bnet is supporting games that are no longer in development and will never receive adjustments for cases like the D3 one. Because of this, I highly doubt they will discontinue the reminder. Also, it’s one pop-up every 2 weeks and can hardly be classified as intrusive at that rate.
That’s unfortunate. After another couple of reminders, for me it is an annoyance I’d rather never see again. While I can understand some game specific reasons for requiring online (don’t even get me started with requiring D2 periodic online logins to even play offline) being constantly pestered about my preferences is annoying regardless.
There’s no reason a toggle to stay appearing offline can’t be put in place, just like there’s no reason a toggle to stop the cancerous blizzard shop ads can be put in place, they want to annoy you into submission by forcing engagement with the appear online or force their ads in your face on the small chance that you’ll give them your hard earned cash for meaningless digital goods.
I wish these mega corps would give us a break and just let us enjoy what was once a relaxing pastime by not injecting bullpoo (<- Changed because forums are soft and need to not hurt anyones feelings) into every corner of our hobby.