Still Poor Customer Service

The support site is deeply frustrating, opaque, and dismissive of customer concerns. Despite multiple attempts to seek clarity, I have yet to receive a single explanation regarding what specific behavior or statements on my account led to the action taken against it.

If the alleged offense exists within the chat logs, it should be straightforward to provide evidence or examples. Yet, after submitting more than 20 tickets on this matter, I have received the same generic, non-specific response each time. This lack of transparency prevents me from understanding what I did wrong or how I can avoid such issues in the future.

This forum is meant to provide feedback, and my feedback is that Blizzard’s current approach to customer support in such cases is failing its players. A system that repeatedly avoids providing basic details fosters frustration, distrust, and alienation among its users.

Quoted below is the exact response I received after once again asking for clarity on what I did wrong and how I could prevent it in the future. Responses like this exemplify why so many players feel ignored and disrespected:

Greetings Buck,

This is Game Master Prisuvuqad.

This action has been taken in accordance with our Code of Conduct (Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support). The penalty applied to your account was appropriate based on the evidence we have in the chat log. The specifics of this violation cannot be stated. Our Terms of Use can be found at

We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but these policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all our players.

Thank you for respecting our position.

Game Master Prisuvuqad
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

I am also fairly certain that this post will be flagged or removed, silencing me as a customer once again for voicing valid concerns about a system that many others have also criticized. If Blizzard continues to ignore feedback and dismiss legitimate customer inquiries, players like myself will have no choice but to leave the platform entirely.

This issue needs to be addressed to restore trust and ensure that players feel heard and valued.


I’m putting this here in case this thread lasts long enough for you to see it.

As has been explained to you ad nauseum, it’s not the feedback that is the problem, it’s the inappropriate content of your feedback.

I have diligently submitted tickets and surveys, following the proper channels for support feedback. As advised, I’m sharing my input here, but I am not receiving any responses to my tickets. This lack of communication is both frustrating and unreasonable.

Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums