I have been playing SC2 since it came out, and am still enjoying playing co-op, especially now that I’ve gotten a friend into the game. However, I am disappointed that Blizzard seems to have abandoned this game, despite it still being active and popular. Specifically, I am always looking for commander bundles or individual co-op commanders to be included in Blizzard sales, but they never seem to be. This is a shame and a waste. Blizzard, you’re leaving money on the table. Please bring back some love for this amazing game and include the commanders in your sales. I’m sure you’ll see increased revenue as a result. Heck, let a developer or two work on some new content (new co-op maps, new commanders, new mission packs like the Nova ones, etc.) and watch the player count soar and the money roll in!
Thanks for reading,
A long-time fan.