Solo Shuffle API Profile

+1 to this request!

Would love to see solo shuffle data (for each spec) both on the armory and available via API.

Shuffle data please!!

please provide us some solo shuffle data for each spec.

Big Thanks!!!

Echoed - we need to see this data

Adding my voice (and my axe) to the post! Please provide this solo shuffle data!


Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?

Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?


Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?


please do Something :slight_smile:

Please allow us to get API for solo shuffle


Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?


Hey ho, are you able to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)? Would be a great move.

yeah why was this not implemented already? this seems like a no brainer. Kind of like having an armory for classic

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This is really needed, please make this happen


Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?


+1, time to update Blizz profiles with solo queue rate/history


Do you have plans to provide the solo shuffle data on the profile (to retrieve player ratings)?


Please blizzard give us access to solo shuffle data <3

Please make this data available! I’d love to be able to access this stuff via the API and build a Discord bot around it. Would also love to see individual arena match history, like M+ players can see with their dungeon run history.

@Blizzard, please allow this data to be available. There’s no good reason as to why you shouldn’t and the community would benefit from this. :slight_smile:

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