Shared 3D Model

Hello, I was curious to know if blizzard allow the use of their 3D model (char, items) and If yes, do we have to get them from the games folder or is there any available resource for this type of use? This would be use in a transmog context out of game.


The API itself does not handle models, the closest thing is the character media renders (same image on the armory) and icons.

There is an entry on the FAQ document of Blizzard’s legal directory saying you can use sounds, music and characters from the game as long as it is for non-commercial use. I believe by characters they mean character models, and if you search around their legal documents you might find something more meaningful.

There are many video creations out there using their models, some of them very old. Just remember to comply to the other rules (reference to blizzard trademarks, etc) and you probably won’t get in trouble.

I remember there was a console command on wow client to export UI and addon related resources and icons, maybe there is something for models.

You might find more help over the UI and macro forum. You could also try asking around the unofficial discord someone over there might point you out in the right direction.

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