API bug is showing some realms as online when they are all meant to be down. The page World of Warcraft Server Status also shows some realms online even though they are not.
Currently it looks like almost half of the servers worldwide are offline and half are online. In reality, servers are all down and refusing connections.
If this bug can’t be fixed, is there a “main server” to test realm status during maintenance?
Hi Azramon,
There is a disconnect where the API is concerned between a realm being in an “up” state, and a realm being available for players to log in to.
We’ve discussed how this may be confusing from an API consumer’s perspective and we appreciate the feedback. However, at this time we do not currently have any news to share about planned changes in that regard.
Apologies for the confusion.
My understanding of the display is that the reported status is the game server itself - which may be up even during Maintenance. That can be required in order to work on them.
There is also the Authentication Server that controls access to the game servers- which is taken down almost every week. If that is down you can’t get to the game servers even if they are technically up. This status is not shown which leads to most of the confusion.
An ideal situation (to me) would show indicators for both with an explanation stating that if the Auth servers are down you can’t get to the game servers.
I understand how for Blizzard staff changing the server status to the ones that have completed maintenance makes sense. You can monitor how the updates are going. However this information is of no use to developers or players. I would assume this is just because the default would be to report the server’s current operational state as UP but seeing as this is also reported on the Server Status page that is public for players it probably should be changed.
Otherwise this renders a lot of the server status API moot, other than IF the server is actually up, maybe getting the information on load and queues.
Not complaining, but if this is something that is in discussion it would be great to push it out before launch as this tends to be the most important time in the whole expansion to be checking realm status.
It’s kinda important soon, or not again for like 800 days. Thanks as always for the response.