Server Error 500 on resetting password recently removed my authenticator and requested I change my password.

I went through that process, receiving multiple account verification emails.

Following this, when I attempted to login I got a server error (500).

Possibly with the help of the customer support team this issue is now resolved (98300651).

However, as I wrote to them:

I’m a very old programmer. “Error 500” from a web server means the underlying code crashed. I should know, I’ve often been responsible for them. Perhaps trying the different browser meant the code path with the bug wasn’t run. Perhaps the fact that I tried many hours later was the reason. No idea.

What I do know is that the authentication code still has a bug in it. I’m glad it is no longer affecting me, but I’m guessing I’m not your only customer.

Thanks again for your help and for reading to the end!