Season 10 ranked bans

I was banned in Season 10 for “Leaving matches”.

There was a known issue back about 2 months ago of not loading into servers or getting “leaver penalty’s” with out actually ever setting foot in a map.

Long story short, Did this ever get fixed? I had multiple GM’s tell me that it was getting worked on, but my account never got unbanned and never got any compensation. Was not able to play for 2 month.

I loaded into my account today to see if i was unbanned, since its season 11 now. I already have a season 11 ban and ive not even played 1 game yet.

In short im just confused what this company does everyday. How can a known issue not be fixed and or not alteast be fixxed when the new season comes out?

Like have i done something wrong? Had a GM link me to this " https:// us.forums.blizzard .com/en/overwatch/t/regarding-competitive-leaver-penalties-in-season-10/897684"

But ive never got unbanned from it? But i have proof that i did not leave any games and i just never connected to server. I said all the in my tickets and that i had video proof, but i guess this company really is just a peice of crap.

For any gm or people of blizzard that may look at this, from me to you. Fuk you

Wrong forum… this is not the Overwatch forum.
There are no Overwatch GM or Community Managers here.

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