Scripters bliz do something

no idea where to put this,

I recently returned to the game after a break(quitting) and have been kinda enjoying some of the changes made however there is still alot of work to go to get your money worth.

the biggest issue i have seen is scripting. scripts for all sorts of things which seem to make the game completely unfair and blizzard seem to be doing nothing to ban them, here are some names, frostmourne 1:00am - 1:15am server time, 3/11/2024

all from frostmourne server

there is another 10 or so of them in same group who all script,

their scripts appear to give them a whole range of benefits, finding stealth players at extreme ranges, i mean they look down from sky and know exactly where you are.

another is auto cast of counter offensives and potions aswell as what seems to be almost endless self healing as a result, seeing some guys take on over 3 players and 10 cavern of time guards stacking sunder yet the player survives and walks away. others i saw 2 durids with these scripts take on over10 players by themselves.

their scripts don’t stop there, they can also out damage and seemingly use spells in splits of seconds either stacking dots or a standard rotation in span of seconds, dropping players despite using all defensives and potions and you still die in space of 3 seconds.

from my experience, you can not use that many spells that quickly and are limited by the haste time, where as with these scripts that does not seem to matter very much.

we had 4 of us watching and testing them and how they behave and use their spells.

their characters seem to also follow you and turn with you.

I thought multi boxing was bad, this is insane.

i have nothing to record my screen and a screenshot isn’t sufficient to explain what we were experiencing and watching. but we all reported them.