SC2 API - Receiving 404 Error

I am trying to get set up with the Starcraft 2 API but am getting 404 error from request.

I believe I am creating my request correctly, assuming my profile ID is the number from my Blizzard gamertag: Praetorian #21698. I am in UK.

sc2.profile-id = 21698
access-token = hidden{{sc2.profile-id}}?locale=en_gb&access_token={{access-token}}

Can anyone advise whats wrong with my request or if I am missing something?

Your SC2 profile ID has nothing to do with your BattleTag. You can obtain your profile ID from GET /oauth/userinfo or by logging in on StarCraft2[dot]com, opening your profile page and looking at its URL.

For example, if my SC2 profile URL is

starcraft2 . com /en-us/profile/1/1/6615271

then my profile ID is 6615271.