I hate to be the one to complain, I think Rumble is an awesome game so far besides all of the crashes on IOS and instability… The fact that I’m waiting for days for some of my purchases to be credited…
I think there have been some big lessons learned here in the past with random Co-Op. I think we all know by now we cannot expect many people to research fights and this makes things incredibly frustrating and difficult for others. Molten Core wing 3 is way ridiculous to expect 2 people who can’t communicate at all to beat. I’ve qued well over 100 times literally and haven’t beaten either boss in a random Que. When you have people que’ing that don’t understand to adjust their decks to the board and send minis just walking out into the lava over and over…. If this is intended you guys really need to make an LFR version and a guild version just like in WoW. The only thing this is doing is making the game more frustrating along side of all the other crashes and problems currently in the game.