Retail Wow's in Game Flight Paths need an Upgrade!

Since we now have Dragon Riding that is epically fast, I think the Flight Paths need a bit of a speed upgrade to kind of equal it out?

What about “LEGACY game TECHNICAL SUPPORT” says world of warcraft feedback to you?

I agree, they are too slow


Wrong forum.

If you want the WoW Team to see your suggestion, you have to use the proper channels… in the case of WoW, that means using the WoW forums (use the most appropriate category) or using the in-game menu system.

Refer to the following Support article for details:

This forum here is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games… old games such as Diablo II (2000) and the Battle.Net version of Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.

Best of luck in your games !

I completely agree, if you’re going to do it, do it all the way

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