Renewing a profile access token?

Apologies if this is a well known thing, but I registered a client and added a callback url of http localhost:5000 – using this I have a python3 script that create a listener on port 5000 to receive the authentication callback, then launches the browser with the usual parameters. Authentication is then done using the browser and the application gets the callback with the authorization token in the URL. I then exchange the authorization token for an access token, which is valid for 24 hours, and I’ve used it to, for example, query where every character (level 10+) is on every server and in which subzone, and how much money they have, also to check who’s done the weekly timewalking quest, and which characters are locked out for Garrosh Heroic/Mythic and so on – all that works fine – for 24 hours.

My question:
How do I renew that access token? The authorization token seems a single-use thing?

(I see that my client is listed as authorized for my account – as is the wowhead OAuth client – so I presume there must be a way?)

(It wont let me post the actual localhost URL but it should be obvious from above)

They are single use and lasts for 24h (I think). You can’t renew those. The user has to sign in again to give another token.
The authorized you see on your account just mean the next time the login will skip the OAuth2 authorization question (the screen that states the scope an app is requesting).

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Ah… pity. Thanks for answering.