Remulos Oceanic Classic WOTLK is Empty!

The remulos oceanic classic server is empty! I can’t find groups, necessities on the auction house, I can’t sell anything, can we please get a merger or free transfer?


This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as:

  • Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;
  • The games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection such as the Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
  • Battle.Net editions of Diablo I, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft: II.

World of Warcraft has its own forums and you should be using those for anything related to WoW.

That forum includes a category for WotLK discussion here:

as well as a category for discussion on issues with Remulos:

Best of luck in your games !

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