Remove authenticator without phone / authenticator

Hi ! Im not able to log on my account since i change my pc ! I changed my phone so i dont have access to my last phone number and the authenticator dont have the same serial number ! Ive open a ticket to get help but no one answering me ! Anyone can help me please ?

To be clear its my other account not this one !!

You will need to wait until your ticket is answered to regain access to the account. No one in the forum can review your previous accounts, change passwords, etc.

Its been more than 3 month that i wait and no one is answering ! i reply by email but the email is not available again ! Im about to give up im tired

That’s why you haven’t head back. You’re not suppose to reply to the email. It’s a “no-reply” address so it’s not monitored.

You would reply using a ticket. If that requires opening a new ticket, you want to reference the 1st ticket’s number in the new ticket.

after 3 months its normal to dont have answer with the ticket ??

If you responded via email, then it wouldn’t add it to your ticket and they would still be waiting on your response. They don’t accept replies via email.

As I (and Nicole) said:

In other words, when you replied to the email, nothing changed with your ticket. Bliz is still waiting for you send the requested information to them.

As i said to you either i send a email, but i did send 3 ticket to this day and waiting for a answer from blizzard sorry for tell you this but im tired like hell to wait for them to answer me back and have my account too

What did you put in each of the three tickets?

If they were just requests to remove an authenticator, then Bliz can’t do anything until you provide them with the information they requested?

ive told that i dont have the authenticator AND the same phone number i cant recovery by sms only by email

And when they replied in the email, what did they ask for?

personnal information but did have any reply since

How did you send the information?

by email i didnt receive any answer by the ticket

How was Support able to connect your new ticket to your old ticket?

with my ticket code ?

You pasted the original ticket number in the second ticket, and included the email they need to continue corresponding? When you submit a ticket without tying it to a battlenet account, Support needs an email address to use until your account is up and running again.

Another option is to create another temporary Battlenet account and handle everything through the ticket system. That way you don’t have to create new tickets with every exchange.

thats what i did everytime ! With the same email ! right now i created a new account and sen my info for the fourth time in a ticket ingame

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