Remix Panderia Dungeons & Raids tooo fast

I cant find retail general discussions … sorry

With everyone geared up, the runs are soo fast that 75% of the team is not making it to the end to get rewards. The mailbox only gives a few and what fun is that after running through the dungeon or raid… looking forward to collecting the rewards. This happens A lot… especially on all the Siege for Orgrimmar raids and Mogu shan vaults (dungeons and raids). You are locked out or nothing is there when you can get to the end

slow them down please!! make them clear all monsters/enemies in the room if you have to. They skip a lot of these. Maybe you have a better idea because I dont.

My running speed is 44 % that should be enough but its not. I would need to sacrifice more stats to get speed gear. not good

This is probably what you’re looking for…

but here’s also WoW Retail GD that you asked for:

Best of luck in your games…