Remaster warcraft 1 speed control

Got the remaster today and i started to played Warcraft 1. I try to speed the game up but it still everything is still slow? anyone else having this issue? The speed bar is up to max

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The Game Speed slider is working fine for me so far.

it works but, it takes time for the speed setting to take effect. it does not take effect right away.

Also if you are using +/-, you have to use it on the number row and not the numpad. Unlike WCII where you can use the numpad.

Yeah i have the same problem too.I turn the slider to fastes yet the game still runs on fast game speed,and no sadly time won’t help andreasasp.

I tried on a different computer, and the speed slider works just fine.

I think the problem is ,that our warcraft install don’t create this → %USERPROFILE%]\Saved Games\WarcraftRemastered*PREFS.WAR* little file.
In warcraft 2 remastered its called warcraft2.ini.

Just met this problem myself.
My solution is to slow down the game in the menu, and exit like that. Launch again, and this time speeding it back up will work.