Recovering Hacked Battlenet account

I have a account that got hacked and i can’t use it to sign in. I made a ticket but the person i made a ticket didnt issue a ID for it i replied to it via Email but you guys dont f reply via email. I need genuine help. WHY does it take so long to reply i made maybe like 3 tickets and only received 1 singular response (and i cant reply to tickets since the account email is changed). Please there has to be a more responsive way of recovering a account. why am i not able to call and have immediate support? or live chat online ? Someone needs to help me. someone please for the love of god all things holy help me recover my account my banking info and other info is on that account…

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They don’t have call in service and have not for over a decade. There is no live chat right now either.

If you did not get a ticket ID then the ticket was never created properly in the system. You only got one ID, which you got an email for.

Sounds like you replied to a “do-not’reply” email though. The route to take is to open another ticket, REFERENCE the first ticket ID, then provide the info they asked for. If you don’t get a ticket ID when submitting, then the system did not correctly create the ticket.

Another option is to use a different Bnet account to do it so that you can more easily track the ticket replies in the website interface.

Make sure you are following the Hacked Account guidelines as well. Blizzard Support - Account Hacked

Remember, if they were able to change your email and such, they are likely in your email too. Your whole PC and your accounts overall need to be secured and you need to see if you can figure out the source of the compromise.