When attempting to log in to Battle.net moblie app, I am prompted with a message:
“Update your privacy settings to continue using the app To regain access to this app, re-enable the social settings marked as required in your Account Settings” and then it lists a link for “Visit Account Settings”. I click the link and it takes me to my settings page but does not highlight WHICH SETTINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE MOBILE APP TO WORK.
I still have my old keychain authenticator. That thing worked 100% of the time with not a single issue until the battery expired. Then we switched to the Authenticator app, which worked fine. Now we’re being asked to move to the Battle.net app and I’m now stuck having no authenticator; neither the old Authenticator app nor the newer Battle.net app are working for me.
Social Settings:
Text Chat - disabled - I don’t want people sending me chat requests.
Private Text Chat - on
Voice Chat - off
Friends - disabled - I don’t have any friends, so no need to “manage friendships” in a mobile app.
Friends of Friends Suggestions - disabled - seriously? This is a privacy concern.
Real ID - disabled - yeah, I don’t care to have my real name displayed publicly
Battle.net Groups - disabled - I don’t want to create or receive invitations to join chat groups.
Share Game Data - disabled - hey, I wonder if this one is one of the ‘required’ social settings for this app to work. Would sure be nice if Blizzard would mark them as such, as the app message indicates.
Communication Preferences - everything disabled - I don’t want sms and push notifs , or spam to my email.
Profile Visibility - Only Me - Maybe this is why I have no friends. I like it this way.
Update: Enabling “Share Game Data” did not fix the problem. I’m not going to, by trial and error, keep attempting. Blizzard should do a little work to streamline the process (like actually MARK which settings are required, since the app message says they have them marked).