Quotas & Visibility/Documentation

Hey team,

I wondered if I could suggest some improvements to quotas for developers.

App Region Keys
There has been an (un)official understanding that you are allowed one key per region for your application. Eg, WarcraftLogs having a US, EU, and APAC key. I cannot find an official stance on this in the documentation? Could we get one?

Limits (Grey Area)
If you query exactly 100/s for 1 hour you’ll request 360,000 end points in an hour. Documentation states the requests above 36k will be ‘slowed down’ but by policy are you allowed to request 360k all day long, 24/7, as long as you don’t breach 100/s and accept the ‘slow down’?

Visibility / Security
I wonder if Blizzard would be able to provide any metadata on key usage?

Currently, I have no idea if my key has been stolen and I need to refresh a secret, I have no ability to see the most common IP requests are coming from, my most queried endpoints or quantity of requests by day/month - Was I requesting 36,000 requests while I was doing maintenance?

I realise this is the responsibility of the developer to make sure we never accidentally expose our keys, but we don’t have any ability to check currently.