Profession API informations missing?


I wasplaying with the API yesterday night to automate our Guild Professions Spreadsheet, which first was manually filled by members (they enter character name, profession, specialization, etc) but I saw that the API can get these informations so people could just write the character name and a script fills up the infos. However, I noticed something strange, that maybe has been already issued but did not find.

Here is the problem : if I call the Profession API on my character , I can see my alchemy profession under the primaries → 1 → profession → name, but I can as well see the specialization “Elixir Master”. However only one spec is listed though I have points in every alchemy specialization , does it take only the highest one?

But that’s not the biggest problem I face : the field “specialization” does not appear on any other profession. For exemple if I look up one of my reroll that has Inscription with the missives and Vantus spec, there is no “Specialization” field that shows up on the retrieved data , same thing with another character that is jewelcrafter with the gems spec.

Are those known issues?

Best regards

the specializations are from mop profession trees are not exposed

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
Indeed, I havent noticed it was MOP spec !

Is there no way to see the specialization in the API?

^ profession trees = specialization ( df, twwi )