Problems with adding a new phone number

After a lot of writing with support, which doesn’t really read my messages but just answers to keywords, this is my last effort of helping blizzard making their support services better. I’ve invested way too much time in this by now for support not even reading it.

  1. When you want to change your phone number, the only way of verification that you are the account holder is by a code sent to your… phone number. That’s kind of dumb because usually you don’t have access to that old phone number anymore. Why is the verification not possible through an code via e-mail, like for many other things?

  2. You then have look around until you finally get to a page which wants you to send blizzard a picture of your government ID. The problem for people with an ID with front and backside: You can only upload one picture. Easiest fix: Quickly put both pictures in a word document and load that one up. Just that the site doesn’t take word documents so you have to use other programs which makes it more complicated AGAIN.

  3. Support answered basically that i am dumb and that it is possible to upload more than one picture. No. It is not in my specific case. It is for normal tickets, but not for the site wanting you to upload your government ID. Fix point 1 or 2 and it will be a massive improvement and timesaver.

If needed, i have screenshots of the site before and after adding a file, profing that i can only add 1. I also could explain more, but i already feel like wasting my time.

If anyone from blizzard actually reads this: Thanks.
If you just answer with a premade answer to keywords: No thanks.