Please stop the enshi_tification

Replace all occurrences of ‘_’ in the title/post with ‘t’.

Having been away from the Blizzard ecosystem for a while, I recently had to recover access to my account as the old (and perfectly functional) mobile authenticator was retired. I have to say that the process doing so was horrible and error prone and there is sufficient evidence to support this scattered about in the forums. This should have been better IMO. Shame on you.
The entire concept of merging the authenticator app with the app is nonsensical from both a practical as well as a security related point of view and I can really only think of one reason to do so - the ability to push adds to all users without providing the ability to disable it. This is just another step down the path towards total enshi_tification eventually leading to an increased number of users abandoning the ecosystem. Shame on you.
As a large number of users will inevitably disable the authenticator to avoid the unwelcome spam an outcome of this is overall reduced security (no, SMS based authentication is not a sufficiently secure alternative, as there has already been numerous incidents proving). Shame on you.

Stop the enshi_tification. Bing back the old authenticator (without spam) and as a bare minimum provide a way to use an external standards compliant one.