Please give the priest a rune in a divine form spell dps

Shadow form is really ugly. I have been a healing priest for ten years and have always wanted to use the priest for damage output, but it is difficult to do so because I don’t like Shadow form.

I hope Blizzard can add a divine damage output rune to the priest.

All along, the priest’s output can only be done in shadow form, which is too unsightly and monotonous, and also wastes a lot of the bonus points that increased divine damage in the old era talents.

Why can’t we add a rune for the priest to output spells in a sacred posture? You should know that there are so many options in the talent tree that can increase damage. Just give the priest a little more hit and damage to take shape.

At present, there are 5 options in the Holy and Discipline talents to increase Holy damage, which is similar to the bonuses of many mixed professions. Other professions such as Paladins also have corresponding aura bonuses. What is lacking now is a bit of hitting and endurance issues.

So, please ask the designer to give the pastor a chance to wash the enemy’s soul with holy light.

PS: Dear friends, I know I sent it to the wrong location. But I am a player on the Asian taiwan server, and our forum options cannot link to the forums on the American server that designers can see. So I feel helpless, I can only come here to post.
Or do you have any kind-hearted friends who can help me post this paragraph on the forum of the Americas server?

and let shaman put down 4 totems at a time and make weapon imbue last 10 min

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Thank you, dear friend. But I am a player on the Asian taiwan server, and our forum options cannot link to the forums on the American server that designers can see. So I feel helpless, I can only come here to post. Or to be honest, could you please help me post this message on the forum of the Americas server? Thank you. Other kind-hearted people can help me forward it.