Playstation + Connection Cooldown

I have a relatively simple question, and I’m having difficulty finding the answer through the forums. I connected my account to my old PlayStation account about a year ago. I see a year cooldown, and from what I’m reading on the forums… there is no way to bypass this. While that’s incredibly disappointing, it’s not the end of the world.

What I’m curious about is if I can create a new temporarily for a year and connect it to my new Playstation account. When the year is up, can I disconnect my new one and add my main one? I’m worried that if I follow this route, I’ll have to wait another year, on top of the year I’d already have to wait to play with my main account. My wife and I were really looking forward to playing together, and I just want to know if I’ll mess things up even more.

If my question isn’t clear: If I create a new account to connect with my new PSN account while I wait for the year cooldown, will that mess up the connections between the two in the future?

So, to clarify, I’m aware I can’t bypass the year cooldown, unfortunately. That’s not what I’m asking, but if that has changed in the time I’ve been away from Blizzard, I’d love to know.