Phone Number Binding Issue After Moving Countries

Dear Blizzard Team,

I am writing to bring attention to a significant issue I encountered regarding account binding and regional restrictions on the Asia server.

When I initially registered my account, I used a Japanese phone number. After moving back to China, I deactivated the Japanese number and attempted to bind my current Chinese phone number to my account. However, the system prompted me to update my registered country to China, which would force me to transfer to the China server.

This policy creates an unreasonable restriction for loyal players like me who have invested significant time and money into the Asia server. Since the data between the Asia and China servers is not transferable, such a change would result in the loss of all my game progress, purchases, and achievements.

I believe the current policy is overly rigid and does not account for players who relocate but wish to retain their existing server and account. Here are my specific requests:

  1. Allow me to bind my current Chinese phone number to my Asia server account without changing my registered country.
  2. Alternatively, restore my deactivated Japanese phone number to my account so I can continue using it as before.

This issue concerns account security, player rights, and customer satisfaction. I hope the Blizzard team can review this matter and provide a solution that addresses the needs of players facing similar situations.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this feedback. I look forward to a positive resolution.

Mu issue looks like yours, but I live in “banned” country of Russia. Current policy let us play phone binded games like overwatch, but as support said, they have no ways to send verify messages here and disabled possibility to tie authenticator app to account. So my account from Kazakhstan just got “suspected” as hacked and now I cant play, because no messages in Russia…
So this actually means, that if our account needs verification because it suspected as hacked, or in a bad scenario account was really hacked, we can’t even get access back.
That looks like joke. All effort and money can be thrown away.