They should just keep remix it brought back an entire expansion. I think it is going great with remix, with a few Tweeks it could be a solid form of the game forever, I’ll miss it when it’s gone though for real Mists was fun I’m glad I got to experience it live this way.
I agree - remix so fun AND I learned about socketing! The best thing, however, was a couple of events that occurred in the frog area. First, someone ran up and gave me a hug, lol. Next, a dwarf character grouped me and helped me to raise timeless coins. I went from 50k to 60k. Then the next day, a character (Hunter something) grouped three of us with himself and helped raise me to 91k in timeless coins! I was feeling kind of down because I play by myself and didn’t think I would make it to 100k to buy the Heavenly Golden Cloud Dragon. But with the help and encouragement of these people, I now have that dragon!
THANK YOU!!! Wherever you are, thank you.
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