Overwatch 2 Account Merge Button Not Working

Hey guys, I have a weird one for you.

So I logged onto Overwatch 2. I also logged onto the Battlenet account through Overwatch 2. When I tried to merge accounts, the merge account button did nothing. I had a very expansive account on Overwatch 1, I hope it is not all lost. Looking for advice or a solution.

What do I do?



This forum is for technical support on the Classic Games… Diablo II (2000) mostly.

Overwatch has its own forums here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/

Also… there is a Known Issues list here:

Best of luck in your games !

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I am literally having the same issue. Got my battle.net account connected to my xbox live account. However, the merge accounts button does absolutley nothing. Its ike I never played overwatch 1. Really wish they could fix this soon.


Same here, this is frustrating.

same thing here , i even pre order ow1. And i have a lot of skins and i dont have any of it, i dont even have the heroes unlocked


==> Overwatch 2 Account Merge Button Not Working - #2 by Boubou-1741 - Classic Games Tech Support - Blizzard Forums

Same here, pre ordered OW1 for console too. I really want all my skins and progress back.

Same here I was so excited to play with my skins and new characters but I couldn’t merge my account

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Same thing here, the button doesnt even show up for me on the home screen. I hope they can get everything in order soon

Same problem here. Hopefully we haven’t lost everything. It’s ruined the launch for me

Same I really don’t want to lose my stuff.

Same deal. Spent way too long grinding to get lootboxes for seasonal skins, I hope they’re not all lost