Overwatch 1 skins did not transfer to OW2

Same here. Played on Xbox and nothing carried over.

Saw they just posted a twitter link about opening a ticket and it just sends me to the forums. Is this the best place to mark that our accounts are missing content or is there another method to do it?

I do have my skins transferred over and I have all the heros unlocked but the sins I got from owning the Overwatch 1 legendary edition I no longer have for any of the characters it comes with soldier, reaper, ana, bastion, and so on. Iā€™m hoping this can be resolved as I do like those skins and would like to have them back. I love the overgrown bastion skin since itā€™s the one from his origin story.

anyone have a solution. I donā€™t like to play without all my skins since it cost me to get them :c

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I have same issue blizzard please fix this asap I need my gold guns and skins and rank

For me my alternate PSN account is the only one my battle.net account can connect to. But my main account has all of my cosmetics purchased through real money and actually playing the game.

Literally the same thing happened to me.

Same Here, it recognized I had the origins edition so it gave me one tracer skin, but all my other stuff isnā€™t there, even though i linked the account

There is an update on the launch issues including lost account things here.


I canā€™t play with my friends says Iā€™m on a different version. I didnā€™t transfer my accs or anything. Someone please help :frowning:

Have you tried using ā€œ/inviteā€ as suggested in this article:

If that doesnā€™t work, please post in the Overwatch Bug Report forum: Bug Report - Overwatch Forums

same man, i hope they fix, i merged my account from ow1 in ps4 and all my skins and comp points are gone

I got in yesterday and ya I didnā€™t have my stuff either and I canā€™t even click merge account but I have my name but not my stuff

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My overwatch 1 skins still havenā€™t transferred and it wonā€™t even show account merge on Xbox and idk how to fix it but I do think I have it merged because I still have my name but thatā€™s it.

the same thing happened to me. I played on ps4 and had many skins, but now on both pc and ps4 it says i dont have all the heros and all my skins are gone.

Same here, and my account merge even finished now just to reveal me that i lost all my things from Ow1. This is unacceptable.