Oauth.battle.net 403

As of yesterday, the host for my web app is getting a 403 Forbidden response trying to connect to hxxps://oauth.battle.net - this isn’t super great since nobody can log in now. Is there any actual way to get support on this?

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I’m having the same issues. If I use localhost as the redirect url, it works, but real url doesn’t work.
edit - Blizz banned quite a few cloud IPs. So try a different IP.

Same problem here, this is blocking lots of users from logging in. I can’t realistically change our source IP. Why are Blizzard blocking cloud IPs? Token requests will almost always be coming from a cloud hosting IP.

Same problem here, start getting 403…

  • Where did get that information about CLOUD IP BANS?
  • If so I need that to ask for a IP change on my provider, cause I did not abuse the API…

is this affecting ALOT of people we have got no information or replys from blizzard about it my website was also affected and its not on a cloud ip

still same issue here, any workarounds?

same issue here. the lack of information coming from blizzard for the api in general is very sad. I already had to switch providers a few months ago because they blocked the website completely. (its just an internal website for our guilds events) - so no abuse. now people cant register for events because all they get is a forbidden 403 error.

i reverted back to hxxps://XX.battle.net/oauth/token and my users where able to log in again this issue was flagged up by blizzard staff and they are looking into it so i hope soon we see a fix for the hxxps://oauth.battle.net urls but until then user the old /oauth/ urls and it should function

I’m already using hxxps://XX.battle.net/oauth/token - did you mix it up?

no i dident i use a combo of new and old to authorize i use the new oauth.battle and to get the token o use the old us.battle…

I dont know if this have something to do but, i have problems to see the shop on battle.net account, with an error code: BLZBNTBNA000007D0(2403). Also, the app gives me the option to open in browser and this redirect to hxxps://oauth.battle.net/xx and i have the error 403 Forbidden. I really want some information about this from blizzard…