No new games can be created/waiting in line

I installed Diablo 2 last night and as soon as I created an account on US East I was hit with “You are in line to create a game…” and my position is usually 5xx.
I cannot see any games when I try to join games, I cannot join any specific games my friends are in.

From what Ive found out this happens when you join/leave games too quickly among other things. This does not apply to me since I JUST installed the game.

Heres what Ive tried so far:
reset routers, restarted PC, reinstalled Diablo2, opened ports, made restrictions on my firewall.
Nothing seems to get rid of this wait in line que…

No one else in my household plays video games, I do not share a connection with anyone nor do i share my account.
Im at a loss at what to do.
please help


Me too… Same thing. How did you solved it?

The servers are literal trash cans, Blizzard has to hire a few chimps to beat on them before they will begin functioning properly.

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I just installed the game and cant play… lol? 600 in line and when it stats entering the game, it FTJ. What does this number mean and how to solve it?