There used to be group to comment on general complaints about how ridiculous these games have become. Doesn’t surprise me much they got rid of those.
So I’ll just complain here , we’ll se how that goes…
Hearthstone has become impossible, it seems, to progress to legend.
I’ve tried every deck available on the popular sites, and my best is diamond 3. It’s all about getting the cards you need, when you need them, but it’s pretty obvious that when you string together a few wins, you suddenly get an unbeatable opponent.
I’m pretty sure it has something to do with if you have spent actual dollars at some point, but I can’t prove it, obviously. I know, as in all games, “free to play” does not mean “free to win”. But it would be nice if you could at least get close to the prize.
If you’re still reading, I hope you agree. I don’t want to be king of the world. Why can’t my “worthy opponent” be equal to me, instead of ridiculously supreme?