New, can you help with connection to Illidan US Auction Hous

Hello all, I’m pretty new to scripting and API’s in general. However, I’m having a lot of fun trying to learn.
I’m trying to pull information, specifically from the Illidan US auction house. I’m using Python.
I keep getting the following error "HTTP error occurred: 404 Client Error:

Not Found for /data/wow/auction/data/Illidan?namespace=dynamic-us&locale=en_US

I thought maybe I need to try and find a connected realm ID or something, but I can’t even get that to work. I can’t get it to return me a list of realm \ realm IDs. I’ve tried Illidan, and Illidan-US.

Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

(edit - Not allowed to post links, so I cut off the front of the https etc) & should I be trying to access the commodity auction house maybe?

auction url is /data/wow/connected-realm/{connectedRealmId}/auctions this could be your issue

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I thought I replied, sorry I didn’t. I can’t believe I missed that… thank you so much.