Network conditions stop us frm load yr personalized content

Network conditions stopped us from loading your personalized content

I saw that warning message appear near the top of my app news feed. What does that mean to me the player? Will this cause any disruption to my game or game updates?

Can Blizzard please consider putting in more details to their error messages in the app, in the game etc. to reassure the player? As it is now, I do not know if this network issue which seem to be on Blizzard’s end be a temporary issue and it will go away on its own, or not. Is the (less than ideal) Blizzard network conditions be a matter of concern to me or not?


same problem here cant start the game

Yes, I have the same problem. Happened this morning after I changed to a new modem.

This happened to me last night and I had problems playing Call of Duty Warzone and Call of Modern Warfare
I don’t know, maybe it is because of my situation in Iran


anyone have any idea about this one i havent changed anything just came up on the launcher?

Nope. This just happened to me as well and I can’t load the game

I am getting the same issue, and not able to preload WZ2 as well.

28 November here, and I am also getting this message. Cannot load into the game. I am just about fed up with this nonsense. Spent 20 minutes this morning trying everything I know to get this right. But no avail. As a subscriber, this is unacceptable. I just started playing WOW again last month after a 4 year hiatus. And I see NOTHING has changed with their crappy launch service. I miss the days of launching the game right from the game itself, and NOT a broken Blizzard launch app!
if this continues, I will not be renewing my sub. Nothing worse than trying to play a game you have paid for.

how to fixx this isue

I recently started having this issue, can not load up Warzone. The laucher starts up really slow too. Did not change a thing within my setup.

I have the same exact issue

I log in to app on administrator mode and seems to fix it

I found the solution! Make sure your network is on private and turn off your firewall!


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I’ve made sure network was private and also turned off firewall (even though was already allowed through firewall). It solved personalized content loading but I still couldn’t get into my games

I would also like an answer or proper solution to this. Getting sick of wanting patch notes to be on top, or new events at WoW or Hearthstone launcher.

After searching through 50+ different forums, the solution that ended up working for me was disabling dual band/5ghz off in my wifi adapter settings.

Windows Search > Device Manager > Network Adapters > (Your wifi adapter) > Right Click; Properties > Advanced > Set the first option value to 2.4ghz, I’m using 802.11b/g

Hope this helps!

I currently experience the error on a hard-wired Windows 11 desktop PC communicating over a 1Gig Spectrum internet connection. It is not entirely consistent and only affects the display of the HOME page. I am able to enter the game without issue. Additional detail:

  1. Starting BETA launcher displays HOME just fine
  2. Switching to GAMES or SHOP and back to HOME displays HOME fine
  3. Pressing HOME while HOME is already displayed causes the error and a reduced amount of HOME content is displayed
  4. After #3 occurs, attempting #2 again also displays the error
  5. Have to restart launcher to get back to a normal HOME display, then 1-3 pattern resumes

Hey guys i think i found for what at least works for me, it’s now 3/3 times i’ve had the same issue. Seriously if you happen to have Wrath of the Lich King up to date or i assume classic, try loading it up and playing it and I swear to god my Bnet starts magically working on the update LOL it’s like they were messing with me and all of the sudden they’re like “please come back”

Same problem here. I changed absolutely nothing, and all of a sudden 5 days ago gives me this error and the game will not load. Does anyone at Blizzard ever actually read these things?

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