Need help fixing campaign gameplay!

Hello! I am new have been playing for a few months I am having 2 main issues with my gameplay, I have a new account and am on a monthy subscription. First I have not been able to complete the “Tour the Trading Post” quest, the trolls are not there, the flyers do not allow me to interact, there is no cache and nobody in the stable. The elevators in Orgrimmar have also never moved for me, I have had the newcomers guides watch me in a party and they have also seen the elevators not working/moving at all and are stumped. With these two issues I have not been able to move forward with the campaign or most questing for about 3 months now. I have cleared my cache, uninstalled and reinstalled, /reset ui and submitted multiple tickets to no avail. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


You’re posting on the wrong forum. This forum is to report bugs with the Battle.Net Desktop App.

To request help from other WoW players, please use the most appropriate category on the WoW forums.

If you think that you have encountered a bug and would like to report it, please refer to this Support article:

Best of luck in your games !