My 5 Year Account Got Banned For No Reason

i am playing wow for 5 years now and several days ago my account got banned, the email said the reason is cheating/botting or selling golds and i didn’t do neither of them, never used cheats in my life or sold gold for irl money, im from iran and i use vpn to connect to game, i’ve sent several tickets and i just asked to someone look into this matter, surely there is misunderstanding here and i dont know what it is, but i got ignored every time, i just need a GM to look into this matter cause im sure i didnt do anything wrong, please help me with this issue i’ve spent years grinding in many expansions, its such a pain to get banned for nothing, so please a little help here

There are no GMs on the forums. The ONLY way to appeal is to submit a ticket and wait on an answer. They will reply with one of several templates that are approved.

  • Account penalty upheld
  • Account penalty overturned and they apologize
  • Account escalated to a specialist for further review

What the GM does when you appeal is to check that the account was flagged as breaking rules. If so, they uphold it.

If the detection criteria was mistake and the account falsely flagged, that can take some time to sort out. You can appeal until they tell you the Battlenet account is at risk.

Also keep in mind, any automation of the game in any way is not allowed. That means macros for your mouse/keyboard, Autohotkey, multiboxing software, etc. Not just a fully automated bot.

Hello there,
Yes i got the message Account penalty upheld
but the point is i did not do anything to break the rules, i’m so confused, i had many characters on many relms which i grinded for years, and about macros i only used 1 and didnt even keybind it, it was /logout and used mouse over and clicked it, like there is literally not a thing that i could think of but somehow my ip, vpn messing up my account.

While Blizzard does not explicitly support VPNs, they also don’t prohibit them in their modern game. A VPN alone is not enough to cause a false flag on an account. They look at other behaviors on the account as well. They also look for things in the background like even having AutoHotkey running, or multibox software running. Even if not being used with the game at the time it can cause the account to be flagged.

All you can so is appeal repeatedly, politely, until they tell you no more. I would wait a few days between appeals. If there are false flags, it helps to give them time to realize their detection software has an error.

Yes, just got a support ticket answer that told me the ban us upheld and i am abusing support when im submiting one ticket in 2-3 days, i am sure i did not break any rules and no didnt use any hotkeys or anything like that, i just need a live chat or anything to know what did i do wrong that my account is perm ban without a warning, can a logout and relog from an instance to get in entrance or doing multiple runs flag my account ? or is there a way i can have a live chat ? so i can explain everything i did to and maybe then they can understand what false error flagged my account