MW2 Not showing up in BattleNet launcher/cannot preload Beta

I’m trying a Scan and repair now.

u have Russian account?

TLDR below book…this would be my 3rd attempt at installing the beta. so far cod is doing as expected: letting me down. disclaimer: i have 1g upload and download fiber internet hardlined into my pc. to begin, each attempt starts with me fighting with the install box to let me install it due to the button being stuck in the perpetual spinning blizicon thing.
Attempt 1: game BARELY wanted to try to install, every % i have to click on the “update” button as if it was paused, it starts up for a few seconds, and “pauses” itself again. i check Q, nothing else is downloading. literally nothing. , i keep repeating the process til 98% where it got stuck for almost 2 hours. i tried uninstalling , it “cant uninstall while updating” meanwhile, my game was never install in order for it TO update. i let that sit for about another hour. i spam uninstall until it does.
Second attempt: same pausing shenanigans except this time, it lets 2 whole % go through during each unpausing. again i do this all the way up to 98%. (keep in mind i started my install at around midnight. and at this point its 5 am ish.) i click uninstall and it uninstalls as expected? (i hope i didnt check my files yet)
attempt 3: after letting this issue sit for a few hours im trying it again. so far same issues…
TLDR: MW2 (remake) not installing, did all i could to fix, doing a scan and repair wont benefit, as there is nothing TO scan nor repair yet.
any help is helpful, and i have a US east account. (if that helps) my buddy in NY got it installed and is waiting for me (or not) thanks for letting me rant.

We are having issues in UK as well?

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I have Verifi my account and it worked

I have the same exact problem -.-

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it is only happening to ru based accounts…


I have a RU Account and will try to use a vpn now.
Ill keep you guys Updated

any one tried region changing?

im form the uk and i have this

guys i found the solution

I had to activate the beta on the launcher and it magically has appeard

To activate the beta mode i went on the setting and then on beta

I tried that and nothing. Do you have a RU account?

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Nah i have an european account

That’s why it works for you :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m in the UK and it’s not working at all for me, I’ve pre-ordered through digitally I have the game for sure so according to their support page it should be there but it isnt

they are straight ripping us off man I don’t even live in Russia

i don t understand how something like this is happening,.,fffs battle net

do you have the game tab or game page available