Multiple error in Overwatch the new experimental patch note


By reading the recent patch note for streamer’s content, I noticed multiple text issues regarding the heroes’ abilities.

For French:
Reinhardt’s description of his charge is still unlocalized and displayed in English.
Please ensure that the line is properly localized in all affected languages (I only checked FRE)
Here is an example for the translation:
Peut maintenant être arrêté plus tôt en appuyant une deuxième fois sur la touche Charge.

Cassidy’s description for his secondary shot is still unlocalized and displayed in English.
Please ensure that the line is properly localized in all affected languages (I only checked FRE)
Here is an example for the translation:
Dégâts augmentés de 50 à 55.

For Cassidy, the translation for “Tumbleweed” is “boules d’épines” which can be roughly translated as “thorn balls”.
I suggest using the real translation for it which would be more specific and closer to the English source, which is “Virevoltant”.

For English:
There is a typo in Junkrat’s description for the Frag Launcher as follows:
Actual result for English:
Minimum explosion damage educed from 10 to 8
Expected results for English:
Minimum explosion damage reduced from 10 to 8

Thank you for this patch and your amazing,
I work as a French senior tester in video games in Montreal Canada in case you’re looking for someone :smile:

Have a good day and a wonderful end of the year.
