Modern Warfare Warzone Issues

Modern Warfare Warzone closes unexpectedly 2 minutes after starting the game and without displaying any error logs.

I am not the only one, there are many people who have reported the same bug. I have tried everything possible to fix it, from reverting to a version of stable Drivers, to clearing all kinds of cache, reinstalling shaders, changing graphic options … but nothing works.

Because Activision lacks customer service (it’s hilarious because their troubleshooter suggests you watch Twitch broadcasts as a problem-solving measure :slight_smile:) I get in touch with you.

I hope they can solve the problem because it affects a large majority of users.

Thank you.

UPDATE: The specs of many people who experience this issue are GTX 10 series. Maybe there is a compatibility problem with these graphics cards
I have the GTX 1060
UPDATE2: They have released a new patch, the game runs perfectly now. Thank you!


Im experiencing the exact same issue!!!


Facing the same problem. Game keeps on crashing sometime it works for couple of min but some time it just crash the moment I land in the game.

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Yep, same problem here. Crashes to Desktop without an error message. Will also crash on the menu if left long enough. I have a GTX 1080 Ti.


they better not say the 10 series is no longer supported - because it was running like a console with the graphics & resolution turned down.
I capped the frames per second to 54 in the nvidia control panel/manage 3d settings/3d programs/call of duty modern warfare & I barely ever see the frames drop below 54 the whole time I play the game,.

something that might be worth noting is, I had problems with the shaders installation - it would say installing & stuck @ 100% for a while & then say installation complete …, it would do that every time I opened the game. then they patched the game & removed that progress bar up @ the top - but now when I restart the shader cache installation, the progress bar simply says the shader installation is paused & it stays that way.
restarting the game, the progress bar goes away & who knows if the shaders finished installing or if they are stuck paused - as the update to the user is totally removed,.

I have a gtx 1050

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I just hope they don’t stick with planned obsolescence in series 10 and earlier. Because the 10 series runs smoothly the new generation games. I have played Metro Exodus in high graphics, The Witcher 3 in Ultra and Shadow Of Tomb Raider and Assassin’s Creed games also in high graphics without problems.

I’m not sure but the problem is probably in the shaders or the DirectX.

Hello. I have also been facing the same issue since I installed the game. It just crashes without any error messages after 2 minutes into the game. I am having a GTX950 SC 2GB GPU. Is this the problem? I have also updated to the latest path released, but still the problem persists. Can someone help me out with this?

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Same here, I noticed a patch just today and tried to update it but the heck when I access it the shaders pack 1 are not even loading and crashes to desktop. This is getting so frustrating!


For those who still experience the same problem.
Try to follow the typical steps again. I can not put a link so I will write it here.

  • Navigate to your install directory (if you do not know this, select Call of Duty: MW in and click Settings > Show in Explorer). Open the “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” folder and then open the folder called “main”. Delete all files and folders in there.
  • Navigate to your documents and into the Modern Warfare folder (C:\Users\ your user name \Documents\Call of Duty Modern Warfare). Once there open the folder “Players”. If a file named ppsod.dat is in there, delete it. If it is not in there, that is fine. If you had 2 folders named players and players2 respectively, check both of them for ppsod.dat. Delete it if it is in them.
  • Open task manager and close all processes ( App, Blizzard Update Agent).
  • Search run in the search bar and select it or simply hit Windows Key + R . Type “%programdata%” (without quotes). Delete the folder named “Blizzard Entertainment”.
  1. For Nvidia Cards: While still in “ProgramData”, navigate to the “NVIDIA Corporation” folder, then open the “NV_Cache” folder. Delete all files in this folder. If it asks for administrative permission, accept it. If it says that the file is still open by an application, skip it. Do this for every popup required until it is finished
  2. For AMD Cards ( Taken from u/duffman84 on this thread): Navigate to C:\Users\ your user name \appdata\local\amd. There are two key folders here, “DXCache” and “GLCache”. Delete all files inside both of these folders.
  • Search for “disk cleanup” and run it. Select C: and hit OK. Uncheck everything except “DirectX Shader Cache”, Then hit Ok. If you have any other hard drives or ssd’s, it is a good idea to go back and select those drives and delete the DirectX Shader Cache on them (if the size next to it reads “0 MB”, there is none on that drive).
  • Run and login. If the game download bar goes red for a couple seconds and then says its done updating, that’s fine. Here we run into a crossroad. Some people say you should scan and repair before launching the game, others say to not. For me personally, I found success by not. In the end it is your choice. There is nothing stopping you from doing the option you think is best, and if it doesn’t work quickly redoing the previous steps and doing the other option. If you choose not too, it’s onto the next step. If you want too, go to options > scan and repair. Let it do its thing, then continue on.
  • Run the game. If you get the out of date driver update, ignore it. If you get the option to boot into safe mode, decline it. It will boot, search for an update, and then prompt you to restart your game. DO NOT HIT EXIT. Leave your game on that prompt for 5-10 minutes. I recommend the full 10. Once the time has passed, hit exit to restart your game.
  • Once the game restarts, go to the warzone menu. Let your game sit there for another 5-10 minutes. I once again recommend the full 10. Once the time has passed, play the warzone tutorial and then play the training match against bots. If your game does not crash during these, it’s a good sign. Play a multiplayer match or warzone match and see if it holds up. If it does crash, you can try the alternate option two steps before. If you have tried both those options, there are alternate suggestions below.

Alternate suggestions:

Delete the “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” folder in your documents

Check if shader cache is enabled. For NVIDIA cards, its in the NVIDIA Control Panel under 3D Settings > Manage 3D settings. On the global settings tab, scroll till you see Shader Cache turn it on if it is off. I do not know this process for AMD cards.

Do not run an overclock on your GPU/CPU. Turn resolution timing back to default (if you don’t know what this is, it’s not important for you). As an extreme, you can try to turn off XMP profiles, but I highly doubt this impact anything.

If you have the latest drivers and have done everything necessary, you should not have this problem anymore. Otherwise you should wait for the next patch and notify Activision again.

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I’m running a GTX 960 and same is happening even after todays update


I was able to fix it by reinstalling the shaders again. Delete the “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” folder in your documents. And when you start the game, wait for the shaders to be installed.

Facing the same problem it closes unexpectedly 2 minutes after starting the game and without displaying any error logs.


there was an update yesterday that seems to of fixed the crashing issue for me., but i’m using 442.19 drivers & I don’t want to break it installing the newest drivers.
has anybody else realized the update fixed it & updated their drivers from some old ones to the newest ones with success?

to the person with the gtx 960, that card & its generation wasn’t ever said to be good for the minimum requirements (it used to be the 1050 & for me still runs like a console with quality on low & resolution @ 66% of 1080p)
if you care about scoring the points, you can play fluidly - simple as that,.

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I have the new drivers and I don’t see much difference. Sometimes the game crashes again. But it is something that I solve by reinstalling the shaders. If the game works well for you with those drivers, I would not update them at the moment.

I’ve done everything above, but as soon as the game restarts it will get stuck on the activision logo or even before that… Black screen and it will display the “dev error code 6328”… anyone having the same issues?

Hi. I’ve tried every solution mentioned above. I am just unable to solve it. What is the solution? Wait for a new patch to be released? Although, I have updated to the latest patch, its still the same.! Someone, help me out!

Hey, all!

The issues reported in this thread will need to be reported to Activision and posted in their forums: Activision Support

Please continue to report these issues in the Warzone forums. There are multiple resolutions listed in the threads there.

I will be locking this thread as it needs to be reported in the proper venue.